May 22, 2023Liked by Jason Herbert

I've only read one on this list, but several of these look very interesting. I'd add Emma Hart's Trading Spaces: The Colonial Marketplace and the Foundations of American Capitalism.

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See? Now we're getting somewhere!

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AIR was fun!

Re: HATM the podcast—the surprising thing, for me, is how much I enjoy episodes about movies that I haven't seen and don't intend to see. I mean, perhaps I'll throw on "The 13th Warrior" if I come across it, but I'm not seeking it out. Yet, I fired up the podcast on Thursday on my walk and kinda wished I was at a bar with the three of you talking about the film. Thank you, Jason (and Thomas & JW).

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Thank you! That's really what I hope people are taking away from the pod. It's like having a beer with friends at the bar and bullshitting about movies and history, but actually getting into them.

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Out of curiosity, will you be discussing the theatrical release of Kingdom of Heaven or the extended edition?

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Loved Gangsters of Capitalism, a really great read. I have been interested, over the last couple of months, in reading Oceans of Grain by Scott Reynolds Nelson, just wondering if others have read it and what their take on it is? I think it fits into the tonight’s category.

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I've had friends read it and heard good things!

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