Thanks for continuing to share your journey openly and honestly with us, those fans (and potential friends) you don’t get to see. Your focus on humility and learning strikes home. I moved to the southwest starting 15+ year ago and found out how limited my proud “knowledge of US history” really was - especially when it came to Tribal communities. It’s trite, but I didn’t know what I didn’t know. When I read your writing about your Tribal interaction, I’m reminded of what I learned from my own: Doubling your knowledge doesn’t halve your ignorance. There is so much more to learn and appreciate. Thanks and best wishes.

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Thought of you! Keep doing the important work of linking communities ❤️ https://www.fs.usda.gov/about-agency/features/monks-chip-away-wildfire-risk

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What a compelling story of the past year. Thanks for sharing!

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It has been a privilege for me to follow you on this journey, Jason. Meeting the great folks at the Seminole Museum who sang your praises made me feel like I know you a bit. I wish you all the very best, and hope that one day you might be able to return to Florida with your hard earned expertise and work closer to your boys.

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Thank you for sharing!

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Thanks, Jason. I advised my undergrads who asked against doing PhDs in history unless they were offered major support (based on my own philosophy and experience) and to check the jobs data. Some simply went to Dr. Nicey-Nice for affirmation, then went to grad school anyway, while cursing me as a horrible old bag who killed dreams. It didn't work out for them. Shame on the Dr. Nicey-Nice types.

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