Happy Stackaversary. :).

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Thank you!!!!

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Happy Birthday ! Now I want to go back and re-listen to some of these. I guess it won’t be real until NATIONAL TREASURE is the pod movie, too!

Ha ha, Hoosiers! For whatever reason, it was one of the movies shown on the parents’ football bus when our son was in HS. That and Rudy. It was a modest team for a small school. Our son was a theatre and music kid mostly.... the football player who sang the National anthem before the games and sometimes still had stage makeup on when he arrived to suit up for the game. But they won a free games, and there were some long rides across a big state.

I never stayed awake for all of Hoosiers, but ended up wit a fondness for Rudy, and came to love Last of the Titans, which is the one I think you should play if you must do a sports movie

And, Happy Birthday

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Thank you Katherine!!!!

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You are most welcome! Thank you for innovating something so interesting, edifying and enjoyable!

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