Jul 10, 2023Liked by Jason Herbert

1. So glad you didn’t burn it down

2. Back in Soviet days, I hung around Vienna for several extra days, starting each morning waiting for a visa to go to Prague. I finally gave up and continued my European adventures. My mother had lost bed Prague in the late ‘40s. Maybe one day.

3. Gulasch is amazing. Once you’re ultra comfortable with it, try adding some Cajun fodways like crawfish, othe gulf catches (frog legs if you’re like my mother). Is it mixing cultures and food ways, yes. Does it work, emphatically yes

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My son spent a college semester overseas in Trnava, Slovakia, in 2002. As part of their language classes at the University of Trnava they went to movies, which he said had Czech subtitles. Still working on their separation, I guess. ;-)

I live near Brooksville, FL. Hope you’ll have a local event sometime. And thx for not giving up.

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