Historians At The Movies
Historians At The Movies
Thelma & Louise with Lauren MacIvor Thompson and Jacqueline Antonovich

Thelma & Louise with Lauren MacIvor Thompson and Jacqueline Antonovich

This week we're dipping into Ridley Scott's Thelma and Louise (1991). This is such a powerhouse film and we can use it to talk about a ton of issues related to the early '90s and all the way to today. And this movie is just awesome. So watch it as soon as you can. Currently available on Amazon Prime.

About our guests:
Dr. Lauren MacIvor Thompson is a historian of early-twentieth-century women’s rights, medicine, law, and public health. She is an Assistant Professor of History and Interdisciplinary Studies at Kennesaw State University and serves as the faculty fellow at the Georgia State University College of Law’s Center for Law, Health & Society. Her book, Rivals and Rights: Mary Dennett, Margaret Sanger, and the Making of the American Birth Control Movement is forthcoming with Rutgers University Press.

Jacqueline Antonovich is a historian of health, medicine, and politics in the United States. She is an Assistant Professor in History at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA, where she also directs the Shankweiler Scholars Medical Humanities Honors Program. She is currently working on a book with Rutgers University Press on women physicians and medical imperialism in the turn-of-the-century American West.

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Historians At The Movies
Historians At The Movies
History, film, pop culture, and other shenanigans