We wanted to kick off Black History Month with a bang here at HATM so tonight we are watching The Six Triple Eight available on Netflix at 8pm eastern. The movie stars Kerry Washington as Majory Charity Adams, who was the first African-American woman to become an officer in the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (later WACs) and was the commanding officer of the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, which was made up of African-American women serving overseas during World War II. The trailer is below.
I’ve been waiting to watch this film with everyone and I’m really excited about this.
How to play along:
We’ve had a lot of new followers here on the Substack and on Blue Sky lately, so perhaps an introduction is in order. Historians At The Movies began as a watch party way back in 2018 and has been watching films together every weekend since then. The idea is that movie and film lovers get together on one giant global couch. Sometimes the movies are serious, other times they’re funny. We try to mix things up around here.
To play along, just follow me on Blue Sky- I’m at herberthistory over there. Or follow the hashtag #HATM. I’ll usually start a thread around 7:45pm eastern for people to follow along. At exactly 8pm eastern, you’ll press play on the movie and then just post on Blue Sky, but tag your posts with #HATM so that everyone can follow along. If you’re new, say so so I can say hi and follow you back. And that’s about it.
Here’s an important thing: you do not have to be a “historian” to be part of Historians At The Movies. I literally coined the phrase in about 30 seconds six and a half years ago and it stuck. We want everyone. So come watch a movie with us. It’s fun.
More announcements-
Friend of HATM Walter Greason will be delivering his inaugural lecture as Dewitt Wallace Professor of History at Macalester College on Thursday, February 20 at 4:45 central. His talk is entitled “Peace in the Twenty-Second Century: An Afrofuturist History” and there is a virtual attenance link. You can check it out right here.
Finally, don’t forget to check out our conversation with filmmaker Ed Zwick. In the clip below Ed talks about making Glory and how Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, Jihmi Kennedy, and Andrew Braugher brought their own family histories to the film.
Here are links to the pod itself:
Finally, with over 100,000 downloads and growing weekly, we are now actively accepting sponsors for the podcast. So if you are interested in doing so, hit me at historiansathemovies@gmail.com
See ya tonight.